Independent Oversight

Independent Oversight

Audit & Compliance

Independent Oversight

Our independence allows us to take an objective view of your project and identify high-risk areas. We help you mitigate risks and prepare contingency plans in the early stages of your project.

Unbiased Evaluations

Project auditing involves review of the vendor’s deliverables and project management processes, proactively protecting your organization’s interests. Most consulting firms have affiliations and financial ties to systems providers. our methodology is holistic, technology agnostic and deployable over any system implementation.

Benefits Realization

Most Business solutions implementations go over budget and take longer than expected. Effective project auditing allows an organization to ensure the costly project they are conducting is being performed as efficiently and effectively as possible. While auditing your project is critical from a technical and budgetary perspective, the bigger question remains: Will you actually receive the benefits realization you set out to achieve ? 

Complete Project Audits :

Our project auditing approach consists of periodic reviews that evaluate if the project is being executed appropriately. This includes a review of project documentation and practices that assess the following:

  • Are You Executing Appropriately?
  • Are requirements being met?
  • Are your standards and industry best practices being used in the project?
  • Will Your Project Provide the Expected Value?
